
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is the Weather Like in Your family?

The weather this winter has been extreme for much of the country. There is a gentle snowfall outside today but last week I watched an ice storm take power lines down and throw families and homes into the dark and cold for days. The weather has a big impact on our lives.   Likewise, there can be “weather” around a learning issue in your life.

What Weather are You Experiencing as a Result of a Learning Disability?
Situations, personalities and characteristics all have a part in creating the “weather” you and your family experience around a learning issue. Learning Disabilities can create climate fluctuations in any family’s life. Let's not forget it can also be a major atmospheric condition for the individual who is experiencing the learning issue.  Moreover, learning disabilities can be a storm that has trouble moving on if it gets entrenched.

When our youngest son was diagnosed with LD, there was a hurricane blowing through our home. It felt like a Category 4 storm! Siblings were furious at the extra time given to the learning issue, my husband was having trouble grappling with the reality and buried himself in work, and I felt guilty and was trying to simply keep our families ship afloat through the storm.  I haven’t even mentioned the child with LD who had “quit school!”  This was a natural disaster for sure.

Don't be Rules by the Storm! 
So here is the deal:  There are ways to "batten down the hatches" with learning issues.  A learning disability doesn't have to be a squall at all! Here is what I have learned and how I now help others with learning disabilities accomplish great things through coaching.
  • Get smart – learn all you can about what you’re dealing with.
  • Talk with all your family members – don’t sweep anything under the rug.  Share knowledge and feelings. This will avoid the building of those hurricane force winds.
  • Learn to be an Advocate.
  • Reach out for help in areas where you are struggling as a parent. Help show you child that asking for help is a sign of strength! Ignoring challenges doesn’t make them easier.
Wouldn’t it be great to feel the warm, calming support of family life instead of disturbances and angst? It really is up to you what climate a learning disability creates in your family.  Reach out today to The Navigators Way to see what options are available to calm the storms your experiencing.

This is important – Lets talk.

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